Defense of Prasenajit – 2
Sri Parsvanatha said: “Good fortune to you, sir. Do not fear. Rule your kingdom. Do not do such a thing again.” The Teacher of the World rewarded him, who agreed to this, by the gift of much favor. For such is the custom of the great. At once the siege of Kusasthala was raised and Purusottamas left, after obtaining permission from Parsvanatha. He related the story to King Prasenajit and joy became the sole umbrella in the city at that time.
Prasenajit reflected, pleased: “I am fortunate in every way and my daughter Prabhavati is fortunate in every way. The wish Prince Parsvanatha, worshipped by gods and asuras, will purify my city has not taken place. Taking this same Prabhavati as a present, I shall go to Prince Parsvanatha, a benefactor.” After these reflections, Prasenajit, delighted, went with a delighted retinue to Parsvanatha, taking Prabhavati.
With folded hands he bowed to Parsva Swamin and said: “By good fortune, your arrival, master, was like rain without clouds. Yavana, though an enemy, was a benefactor to me in the quarrel because of which you, the lord of three worlds, did me a favor. As you did me a favor from compassion by coming here, likewise do me a favor by marrying Prabhavati. She, seeking what is hard to obtain, is infatuated with you from a distance. Show compassion for her. You are compassionate by nature.”
Prabhavati thought: “The prince, formerly heard about from Kinnaris is now seen. The eye agrees with the ear. Courteous in speech, compassionate, he is heard and seen. Now he is well importuned by my father for my sake. Yet I am frightened now from lack of confidence in my good fortune, filled with anxiety whether or not he will approve my father’s proposal.”
While she was thinking this, Prince Parsva, his voice deep as thunder, said to Prasenajit who was waiting: “By the father’s command we have come to protect you, Prasenajit, but not to marry this daughter of yours. So do not insist on this uselessly, Lord of Kusasthala. Having executed the father’s command, we are going to the father’s presence.”
Hearing that, Prabhavati, very depressed, thought: “Such a speech from him is like a fall of fire from the moon. He was compassionate to everyone, but cruel to me. How will you exist, alas! unfortunate Prabhavati? Family deities always worshipped, now show my father some device at once. For his devices are destroyed now.”
Prasenajit thought: “He himself is free from all desire, but he will do what I wish at Asvasena’s insistence. I shall go with him under pretext of wishing to see Asvasena. I shall importune Asvasena to accomplish that wish.” Having caused friendship to be made with him so reflecting, Parsvanatha honored and dismissed King Yavana. Prasenajit, being dismissed, said to Parsvanatha, “I shall go, wishing to bow to honored Asvasena, lord.” Taking Prabhavati, he went with Sri Parsva, who had said, “Very well,” to the city Varanasi.
Pleasing Asvasena by the protection of those who had come for protection, Parsvanatha approached and made him rejoice by the sight of himself. When Parsva had gone to his own house, Prasenajit approached and went before him, accompanied by Prabhavati. Asvasena rose to greet him, raised him falling at his feet, embraced him with both arms, and said, perplexed:
“I hope your rescue took place. I hope that things are well with you, king. I wonder what the reason is that you have come here yourself.”
Prasenajit said: “Always I, of whom you, a sun in splendor, are the ruler, have protection and prosperity. But the request for something hard to obtain alone troubles me now. It will be accomplished by your favor, elephant* of kings. Take my daughter, Prabhavati, for Prince Parsvanatha from regard for me, king. Do not do otherwise.”
Asvasena said: “Our Prince Parsva has always been disgusted with worldly existence. I do not know what he will do. That desire of ours, too, is always in our heart: ‘When will our son’s marriage-festival with a suitable bride take place?’ Now from, affection for you we shall make Parsvanatha marry, even by force, though he has been unwilling from childhood.”
With these words, the king went with him to Parsva and said, “Marry Prasenajit’s daughter.” Sri Parsva said: “Father, possession of wives, et-cetera is a life-saver of the tree of worldly existence even when it is almost destroyed. How can I marry his daughter for undertaking worldly existence? I intend to cross the ocean of worldly existence, completely free of possessions.”
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